by Hunter Staskevich, Intern
Father’s Day is coming up and thoughts turn to grilling out and a round of golf. Here at the Hoover, work continues as normal but these reflections came to mind while answering a reference question on Hugh R. Wilson.

Wilson was a U.S. diplomat during the 1920’s and 1930’s who served in Japan and Germany. A patron posed a question regarding the changing atmosphere in Germany for the Jewish citizens and increasing militarization in the country as war was about to erupt in Europe. To answer this question, I did a thorough search of Wilson’s 1938 diary when he was stationed in Berlin looking for any information relevant to the patron’s request.
Although I did eventually find what I was looking for, I was surprised to find the incredible amount of information on both Wilson’s golf game and dinner parties he attended. Wilson, in his diary, had avoided talking about current events in Germany and instead described every round of golf he played and every dinner party he took part in while in Berlin. I guess being a diplomat back then had its perks although too bad grilling wasn’t a thing in 1930’s Germany.
Happy Father’s Day to everyone,
The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library