Modern Hoover Myths: Part 5

Joseph Green, one of Hoover's devoted CRB men. Most individuals appreciate complements on a job well done and welcome their superiors inquiring about their level of satisfaction at work and in family life. Critics who have painted Hoover as cold and aloof also claim he didn’t like to complement subordinates because it removed the spotlight … Continue reading Modern Hoover Myths: Part 5

Modern Hoover Myths: Part 4

President Hoover, in formal attire, greets President elect Herrera of Columbia, June 2, 1930. (HHPL-M image #31-1930-45) Critics have often claimed that Hoover lacked the social graces required of a President. What constitutes required “social graces” of any President is subjective. One of America’s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was criticized for the vestiges of his … Continue reading Modern Hoover Myths: Part 4

Modern Hoover Myths: Part 3

A jovial Herbert Hoover at Bohemian Grove, 1941. (HHPL-M image 31-1941-a49) Individuals who are inclined to be introverts in public are often assumed to be humorless. Funny people usually command the center of attention not only with their wit but larger than life personalities. The characterization that Hoover lacked a sense of humor is baseless … Continue reading Modern Hoover Myths: Part 3

Modern Hoover Myths: Part 2

Herbert Hoover in Poland, 1946. Science fiction depicts certain aliens and robots as possessing no emotion and basing their actions entirely on logic.  The popular television series Star Trek introduced Vulcans who evolved replacing emotions with logic.  Herbert Hoover was neither a Vulcan nor a robot, but writers have often depicted him as lacking any … Continue reading Modern Hoover Myths: Part 2