One of the U. S. Food Administration "Girls Club" lunchrooms established by Lou Henry Hoover, ca. 1918. Herbert Hoover issued a circular for the employees of the US Food Administration stating: “For some time I have felt that the Food Administration should make a special effort insuring satisfactory living quarters for our women workers. Mrs. … Continue reading Mrs. Hoover and Washington Housing Shortages: Part 2
Tag: U. S. Food Administration
Mrs. Hoover and Washington Housing Shortages: Part I
Some of the women who worked for the U. S. Food Administration, 1917. These women are in the Food Conservation Division. Washington, D.C. witnessed notorious shortages of affordable housing for the many single women who filled government positions during World War I and World War II. Several Hollywood films alluded to it, the most famous … Continue reading Mrs. Hoover and Washington Housing Shortages: Part I