This is the headline of a story in the November 9, 1932 issue of the New York Times. Hoover was on a train traveling to Palo Alto where he was going to vote in the 1932 election when officials said they believed an attempt was made to wreck Hoover’s special train.
The article read as follows:
Rail Watchman Shot as He Fights 2 Men With Dynamite at Nevada Bridge
Both Suspects Escape
17 Sticks of Explosive are Found on Right of Way
By The Associated Press
Elko, Nev. November 8, 1932 – What Southern Pacific officials said they believed was an attempt to wreck President Hoover’s special train was frustrated near Palisade, west of here, last night, when a watchman surprised and frightened away two men carrying sticks of dynamite near the railroad right-of-way.
The article goes on to read that the division engineer said “the men undoubtedly had planned to wreck the Hoover train.”
An assistant engineer was able to surprise the men with the dynamite. As he was trying to capture them, the tip of his finger was shot off. Five sticks of dynamite were later found in the dirt where the scuffle took place and another dozen sticks were found in a sack dropped by the men. Neither of the men were captured. Hoover traveled safely on to Palo Alto.