High Jacked, Doctored Photographs, and Authentic Speeches from the 1928 Campaign By Thomas F. Schwartz Few people will recognize the name Edward Anthony today. A writer for major newspapers and popular magazines, his career spanned four decades and included a stint working for Herbert Hoover’s 1928 presidential campaign. In an entertaining published recollection, This Is … Continue reading Campaign Graphic Novels
Author: Thomas Schwartz
Hoover and Lincoln: A Strange Offer
by Thomas Schwartz Springfield eagerly anticipated the presidential visit by Herbert Hoover to rededicate the remodeled Lincoln Tomb on June 17, 1931. In advance of the visit, Hoover received an unusual request from famed Lincoln collector Oliver R. Barrett proposing an offer that he hoped the president could not refuse. Writing on June 2, 1931, … Continue reading Hoover and Lincoln: A Strange Offer
Fishing Presidents and Candidates
By Thomas F. Schwartz One of Herbert Hoover’s last books had nothing to do with politics or global issues. Rather it was a meditation on fishing. Fishing for Fun and to Wash Your Soul (1963) contains a chapter entitled “Fishing Presidents and Candidates” that offers both a wonderful glimpse into Hoover’s understated humor and his … Continue reading Fishing Presidents and Candidates
Too Young to Vote But Not to Endorse
By Thomas F. Schwartz, PhD Often overlooked in most biographies of Herbert Hoover is his affinity for children and their affection for him. His tireless advocacy of feeding and caring for children in times of war and famine abroad as well as his efforts to support the domestic welfare of children through legislation and organizations … Continue reading Too Young to Vote But Not to Endorse
Oil and Water Part II
By Thomas F. Schwartz In response to receiving an inscribed copy of Herbert Hoover’s Fishing for Fun, Arthur Beeby-Thompson sent his friend a lengthy “thank you” on May 10, 1963, recalling many memorable fishing experiences in his world travels. “It was indeed a pleasant surprise to receive ‘Fishing for Fun’ with your friendly wishes. … Continue reading Oil and Water Part II
Oil and Water Part I
By Thomas F. Schwartz Arthur Beeby-Thompson, recognized only by a handful of people with knowledge of the oil industry, forged an early and lasting friendship with Herbert Hoover. Beeby-Thompson’s 1961 autobiography has a forward written by Hoover. Their friendship began in 1908 and continued until Hoover’s death in 1964. It was based both upon their … Continue reading Oil and Water Part I
A Diva’s Death: Tuberculosis during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover
By Thomas F. Schwartz COVID-19 symptoms—fever, chills, cough, night sweats, fatigue, and weight loss---bear a striking similarity to a disease that was prominent during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Tuberculosis [TB] has afflicted people from earliest recorded history. It usually affects the lungs and was often referred to as consumption because of weight loss and … Continue reading A Diva’s Death: Tuberculosis during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover
Persistence Prevails When All Else Fails
By Thomas F. Schwartz, Director, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th. It was given new meaning when we received word to close the museum and library to the public until public health officials determined that the coronavirus spread through public transmission had abated. This decision was not … Continue reading Persistence Prevails When All Else Fails
Watching Movies on a Battleship
By Thomas F. Schwartz Having just watched the academy awards, it is appropriate to ask if Herbert Hoover was a film buff. The simple answer is “yes!” As Secretary of Commerce, Hoover helped promote the emerging U.S. film industry at home and abroad. He was good friends with studio mogul Louis B. Mayer of MGM … Continue reading Watching Movies on a Battleship
Mad Men and Miss Manners: A Hoover Christmas Carol
By Thomas F. Schwartz Bruce Barton is not a familiar name to most people but they certainly know some of his iconic brands such as Betty Crocker. Barton was a principal in the advertising agency Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn. The writer/director Matthew Weiner used the advertising industry as a model for his 2007 show … Continue reading Mad Men and Miss Manners: A Hoover Christmas Carol