Herbert Hoover and the 1930 Drought

Part 1 -- The Forgotten Crisis by Spencer Howard For many Americans, 1930 was a year of struggle as the national economy sank into what became the Great Depression. In the history books, the stock market and urban unemployment often take center stage, leaving aside the hardships of rural America.  Already reeling from a decade … Continue reading Herbert Hoover and the 1930 Drought

Lou Henry Hoover’s White House History

by Spencer Howard In 1930, First Lady Lou Henry Hoover asked one of her secretaries, Dare Stark McMullin, to compile some information about the historic furnishings in the White House.  What began as a simple list grew into a massive project to document the history of the White House itself and the art and furnishings … Continue reading Lou Henry Hoover’s White House History

Herbert Clark Hoover or Herbert Hoover? 

The Case of the Missing Middle Name. By Thomas F. Schwartz Look in any encyclopedia entry or biography and it indicates that Herbert Clark Hoover was born on August 10 or August 11, 1874.  A previous blog post cleared up the mystery of the birthday confirming it was August 10 but another more interesting story … Continue reading Herbert Clark Hoover or Herbert Hoover? 

Hoover Campaign Songs, 1928

by Spencer Howard In 1928, campaign songs were not like the borrowed pop tunes or professional advertising jingles of today.  In fact, campaign advertising in all its forms was very different than today.  There was little centralized control, no focus group tested messaging, and certainly no requirement for candidates to “approve” anything.  Most campaign songs … Continue reading Hoover Campaign Songs, 1928

Kicking off a Presidential Campaign — Herbert Hoover’s 1928 Acceptance Speech

Herbert Hoover looking over the preparations in Stanford Stadium where he would later deliver his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination, Aug. 11, 1928. The crowd of over 70,000 at Stanford Stadium for Hoover's acceptance speech. Aug. 11, 1928 by Spencer Howard On August 11, 1928, Herbert Hoover formally launched his campaign for the Presidency.  … Continue reading Kicking off a Presidential Campaign — Herbert Hoover’s 1928 Acceptance Speech

Lou Hoover Adding Bricks to the Foundation of League of Women Voters

by Matthew Schaefer While Lou Henry Hoover did not campaign for suffrage, she did actively support the League of Women Voters once women gained suffrage.  She spoke at Bryn Mawr College, one of the ‘Seven Sisters’ women’s colleges, in April 1920, shortly before suffrage passed. Lou was invited by the League of Women Voter's  president, … Continue reading Lou Hoover Adding Bricks to the Foundation of League of Women Voters

The Economy Act of 1932

By Spencer Howard by Spencer Howard On June 30, 1932, President Herbert Hoover signed into law the "Economy Act of 1932" to reduce government salaries, which was intended to help balance the Federal budget that was badly in the red due to the Great Depression.  At the time almost all economists and politicians believed that … Continue reading The Economy Act of 1932

Hoover Fishing Stories—As Told by Calvin Albury

In an April 1967 oral history with Ray Henle, Florida fishing guide, Calvin Albury, recalled his time fishing with Herbert Hoover.  Albury first met Hoover in December 1948 at the Key Largo Anglers Club.  Hoover needed a new guide for fishing off the Florida Keys.  He said to Albury: ‘It looks like I’m going to … Continue reading Hoover Fishing Stories—As Told by Calvin Albury

Lou Hoover and the Bandeirantes of Brazil

Extroverted by nature, Lou Hoover likely enjoyed the Latin American trip more than her husband Herbert.  As the tour entered it final port of call in South America, Rio de Janeiro, Lou made time to visit with the Federacao des Bandeirantes, a Brazilian Girl Scout troop.  Given Hoover’s deep and long involvement with the Girl … Continue reading Lou Hoover and the Bandeirantes of Brazil